Monday, 17 October 2011

Week 42 - Fashion in the Past

Fashion and costume have always formed
an integral part of society, class and individualism....

Marimus van Reymerswade, active 1535-1545  (Two Tax Gentlemens - detail)

"He wears his faith but as the fashion of his hat"
William Shakespeare

Colonel Tarleton, 1782 (detail)
Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1723-1792

"Fashion condemns us to make many follies;
the greatest is to make ourselves its slave"
Napoleon Bonaparte

The Dauphin, Louis de France, 1760s (detail)
Studio of Alexandre Roslin, 1718-1793


Victor Hugo:

"Fashions have done more harm than revolutions"

Do we agree with that ???

Bonne Semaine!

All paintings National Gallery, London


  1. Karin, these are all wonderful, particularly Colonel Tarleton and the first one reminded me of my mother-in-law; she loved decorative hats!

  2. LOVE the portraits- all men, very interesting.
    When I look back at the photos of my lifetime, paying close attention to the fashion, I must agree with Victor Hugo, I may have done more harm than revolution!!! What were we thinking? Nicely done post Karin!!!

  3. Love this post Karin funny and thought provoking. I just kept starring and starring at that first that's a statement!

  4. I want the first hat! How fun would that be? haha. I hope you had a lovely weekend, Karin, and I am taking this littie quote away with me to my file... "Fashion condemns us to make many follies;
    the greatest is to make ourselves its slave"
    Napoleon Bonaparte

    Thank you for the great post!
    xo isa

  5. Such a smile this brings! I was recently cutting up paper to make large flowers for an art project and my husband came in the room and said it looked as if I was making Bishop Hats....he then held one up to his head...and I must say, he was right! Be both got a good laugh...then I opened up the "Bishop" hat and voila a flower! As a young woman, I modeled hats at the Atlanta Apparel Mart for several shows...what fun to wear so many one day! I must say though...never wore any myself out in public! :) Your post reminded me of how silly I felt...Smiles to you!

  6. Another lovely post. That first hat is certainly pretty spectacular. M x

  7. ooooo here is some of those paintings that i admire! i would love to have the colonel tarleton and the Douphin´s hats!!! :) i am looked for thise kind of paintings, i would love to put those in my wall :)

    this was so cheerful!
    akiss ;)

  8. akissfromthepast: lets go together to London, lets break into the National Gallery and then lets take all the pictures we want!!! :) Warning: We might have a fight with each other, loving the same pictures!

  9. I don't want to put them in my wall, but I'd like to come with you to the National Gallery
    listening to Karins explanations!!!


    ♥ Franka

  10. OK Franka, now we're already a trio! :)

    But we have to be patient with our blogger friend from Finland - akissfromthepast. He's English is not perfect, neither is mine!

    It doesn't matter - as long as the world comes together.

  11. Brilliant portraits....It sounds to me like a trip to the National Gallery is in order! xv

  12. Vicky you are welcome to join us :) :)
