Wednesday 20 April 2011

Each day brings something new..

My 'farmers' peony on Monday

and on Tuesday morning - surprise-surprise - the first blossom opened!

We don't have lots of garish colors and rarely in red,
but  love to have just a spot of color here and there.

This peony doing the right 'job' for me!

It looks like 'painted-in'


For all "Urn-Lovers"
just a few:

French 19th Century (sold in 2009)

Italian 19th Century, cast iron  (image internet)

 Medici urns, cast iron (source unknown)

French, Napoleon III., ca. 1870-1880  (sold in 2009)

French, ca. 1850-60, cast iron

19th Century French, cast iron, ca. 1880  (sold in 2008)

19th Century French cast iron (sold in 2009)

French, re-constituted lime stone, early 20th Century


The "Chinese Beauty" Monday evening...

and by Tuesday morning

What a Beauty!


The 'Back wall' rose on Monday

and by Tuesday afternoon..


Blossoms reaching the size of  6" diameter!


Our Black birds singing like mad...

The Wood Pigeons: "HuHuu - HuHuu"


 this little chap is waiting for the magic kiss!

Happy Wednesday!

Last image: Tina Pasco,
UK - Tel: 01227-722151


  1. Karin, what a beautiful, beautiful post! I'm doing so much sighing here...the farmer's peony is such a glorious colour amongst the white flowers, the magnificent red climbing rose and the urns; I'll take them all!

  2. Dear Karin, When I come for a visit how many of your urns can I take home with me?

  3. A few, Dear Gina! Sold most of the urns but have still some left.
    So, when are you coming???
    Ganz herzlichen und lieben Gruss aus Frankreich

  4. Totally impressed by your urns! That first one is amazing. They are one of my favorite "accessories" anywhere, anytime.

  5. Karin!

    GORGEOUS!!! How lucky you are...What beautiful surroundings you have...and of course the urns are wonderful!

  6. C'est Magnifique, Karin! Peonies, roses & Urns...Heaven!

  7. Your peonies are stunning, mine are only an inch out of the ground but they're there! My roses are all getting tiny leaf buds, everything is waking up, it's very exciting!Flowers and urns? Someone needs to get back into the antique business....QUICK!

  8. Karin...Oh what beautiful flowers. We love urns. Recently lime washed a cast iron urn and it turned out well. Just trying to decide what to put in it.
