Tuesday, 11 January 2011


....for welcoming me so warmly in the blog world....

to all  FOLLOWERS:

Linsey from Texas, LLH-Design - blog
Mona from Arkansas, Providence Design Ltd.-blog
Laura@52 FLEA blog
Alaine from Australia - coccinella-ladybug-blog
Jeanne-Aelia Desparmet Hart, Through the French Eye of design-blog

Pat from Alexandria USA, Pat's addition-blog
'le style et la matiére' - from France
 Flora Doora
Goldie Stetten

....and I like to say thank you
for all your positive comments...


Honey from Texas (one of my first readers)
Deborah - Splenderosa, also from Texas
Carla from St. Barbara - santabarbartalk-blog (Danke Carla!)

Julie from Sydney Australia  -Julie@beingRUBY-blog
Mary Ann from California  -classic.casual.home-blog
Nella from Ontario Canada  -Acorn Lane Vintage Living- blog


Sharon from Normandy France  -myfrenchcountryhome-blog

Acquired Objects - blog

........and I like to say thank you

all 'not named' visitors from all over the world...

...and to my friend Thomas who had a battle to leave a comment!

and to

Colette from 'Afrique du Sud'  -labrocanteuse- blog (special thanks!)

Tasiaa from Germany for her great sense of humour...
- *Tasiaa - blog

and last but certainly not least

...I like to say thank you
Trish from TROUVAIS  -www.trouvais.com-blog
for inspiration, encouragement and her great posts about me and......!!!

(all began with the Peonies last year in May!)
and to 

Gina from Utah  -Art and Alfalfa- blog
 - my first reader -
for supporting me and all technical advice and friendship!

Thank you all !

Sorry, if that sounds a bit like an Oscar awards speech....
but that's the way I feel.

Hearty greetings to the blog world

"Karin from Périgord"

Remark: I'm still not able to create a link to all the mentioned blogs, sorry! Working on it!


  1. Danke für die Blume,
    und weiterhin viel Freude im Weltkreisel!

    Ich find das so toll wie man *hier* so von Kontinent zu Kontinent hüpft!

    Liebe Grüße!

  2. Ja, meine liebe Tasiaa, das internet 'provide' einen Weltkreisel (could not describe it better, your English is perfect!)

    Lass' uns in diesem Jahr doch noch etwas "huepfen"! Von Kontinet zu Kontinent, aber vor allem von "Mensch zu Mensch"!

    In diesem Sinne -
    Herzlichen 'mitternaechtlichen' Gruss
    aus dem Périgord - Karin

    P.S. Nach "4 Kesseln Buntes" und einiges mehr.....und nach "Buegelei" - Ende der Woche hoffentlich mehr Zeit, mich mal ausfuehrlicher um Deinen blog zu kuemmern. k.

  3. You are most welcome! Your blog is beautiful; I'm sitting here sighing over your magnificent roses! xa

  4. hello dear Karin,
    my goodness, thank you so very much- for your kind words, beautiful post and images-you are so generous and much appreciated. I forwarded a award to you which I feel you just honored and accepted with this lovely post-(details on my blog)you did it so well- you can just add the award without further ado!
    much love
    Colette x

  5. I just found your blog via Colette's and have immensely enjoyed all the amazing eye candy. A little slice of heaven indeed! Vanna

  6. Beautiful roses, Karin! Looking forward to your every post.

  7. You are most welcome, And thank-you for the beautiful roses! These images are fabulous!! welcome to the blog world. I look forward to seeing you often!

  8. Hello Karin...thank you!!!Your blog is beautiful right from the start...just imagine how much easier all the technical stuff will be in no time. We are all going to enjoy Spring so much more with you in the blog world!And besides the beautiful photos...I love learning from you! XOXO Trish

  9. Dear Karin, how sweet of you to include me in your thank yous. It has been a pleasure getting to know you. I have enjoyed your blog right from its infancy. You have improved in leaps and bounds and in such a very short time.
    I will send you a few hints, via e-mail, on how to include links into your posts.

  10. So happy to have found you!
    A beautiful soulful place to rest the eyes.

    I will see you soon

  11. Im honored to be included in your "speech!" The blog world is a better place with you in it, Karin! We are the blessed ones!

    Hugs from Houston, Texas!
