Saturday 5 October 2013

Early-October-Impressions... La Pouyette



...Mexican Orange - Choisya ternata - ...

....just started flowering again, 
the third time this year!



still some grapes "on the palm tree"



My olives...

...not all that many....

....but despite the terrible two winters we had
- in March last year the little trees were nearly dead -
now, they are not doing too badly.  
Looking so much forward to the harvest!


The walnuts are also on "their way....".


No need to comment the Hydrangea's weekly-color-change....


Yellow-green figs, the perfect variety for drying,

  'sweet' paradise for all kind of insects and birds, 
for the last butterflies,

all these little creatures just love it...the juice...the sweetness...

Some  of the figs are already ripe, some burst, some eaten, 
and some need still more time,

very late this year!


Slowly but surely....

Autumn is coming....



To lift up this 'autumnal" post:

Clarinet Concerto - Rondo


Some of the Dahlias...
...still going on flowering... 
...since July!

Best wishes for a wonderful weekend,
a bientôt...


  1. I would be in your garden every second I could possibly be. I love that you show us the details of life. What we take for granted seems magical and impossible when you look at it this way. xx's

    1. You're always welcome, Marsha! It's a down-to-earth life here at La Pouyette, simple but full of "nature-surprises" throughout the whole year. Yes, magical!

  2. Je reconnais une nature et une vegetation semblable a la notre et j'observe chaque photo tout en admirant sa beaute.Je peux imaginer La Pouyette en automne, la brume matinale, les couleurs fades aux nuances dorees...Tu vis dans un milieu fascinant Karin ou tout est en abondance.Je suis sure que c'est epanouissant pour toi, le contact avec cette nature.
    Excellent le post precedent sur les vignes et en ce qui concerne la mode, je suis tout a fait de ton cote sur les pour et les contres.
    Merci de toutes ces selections musicales qui remplissent mon petit coin de douceur et de raffinement.
    Bonne soiree, happy Sunday and take care!
    Vielen Grussen!

  3. Your autumnal garden is beautiful. The splendour of autumn - its colours, harvest and flowers cleverly diverts our attention from the creeping cold of the forthcoming winter! Bisous

  4. Oh Karin...the figs...the leaves...the hydrangeas! So much to love! Your garden is lovely in every season!!

  5. Wonderful photos of autumn in your little part of the world.

  6. It is a Garden of Eden!
    The grapes look so luscious, the figs are amazing, you have real olives coming along, not to mention the flowers and the butterflies ---
    You know what these make me think of? The marvelous border illustrations of Books of Hours!
