...in our small town Riberac last Saturday
early morning...
.....chiner - chiner.... - hunting-hunting...
lots of collector pieces...
old books and catalogues
beautiful old siphons
something for the children
rough and rustic Tables d'atelier
maybe he's waiting for...
...her to be dressed ????
...to have a little 'outing' on the countryside..
collection of storage jars
Barbotine d'huitres
Barbotine d'asperge
enameled stuff...
vintage linen - of course!
Any kind of furniture...
a typical Périgordian farm table in cherry wood,
for me somewhat over-restored.
not all that old and 'pepped-up' with grayish paint..
In the afternoon we had 44 degrees!!! Rather hot, mildly spoken
very laid-back and not unhappy at all !
let's move on....
newly made metal pieces...
vintage fauteuils
another linen stand
cristal glass ware from the 1940's to 1960's
a small Empire commode in walnut to restore
Chandeliers, not very old
The stand of Gerard, one of my good dealer friends - rather 'chic' and smart...
every piece is restored, ready for immediate use and moderately priced.
one of a pair of 19th Century terra cotta roof finials

a large salt storage jar
more collector pieces
and amongst all the brocanteurs - the Colonel!
This yearly Brocante is still a very charming and old fashion French country brocante.
Nothing pretentious and not too many new pieces and copies;
only 6 Km from where we live, very comfortable!
And here just a few of my finds...

Fishermen netfloats
a very large old mushroom basket in perfect condition...
...and I was very lucky to find...
...nice old glass jam jars...
...which are real collector pieces.
A beautiful Sauciére, late 19th to early 20th century in perfect condition
with a very decorative monogram AB
A Drap (over sheet) in fil de lin with a very large monogram in the size of 14,5" x 8,5"
and with a superb embroidery
Oyster baskets from Ile d'Oleron,
2 large storage jars in terra cotta
for salt
and oil
a charming tabouret (stool) in Louis XVI. style, early 20th century
which will look very good when recovered with old linen;
3 lovely small cream jars,
two from the 19th century and the middle one around 1900.
I hope that you all enjoyed this little brocante tour!
A bientôt